This weekend has been a fun one, we have been doing our orders for the next collection as well as opening boxes of new stuff! our fight with the customs is finally over and we are slowly but surely recieving our little packages, 

about 2 years ago i was in one of the design fairs and fell in love with these gorgeous laser cut bowls and dishes, cut so finely to look just like lace doilies!

There was no November shop at the time so there really was no point in ordering the items with no display area for them… 

this year at the design show i saw them again. and the designs were nicer than before.. so i did my orders… and THEY ARE HERE!!

a bit pricey but worth it!


White Lace

White Lace


Several Different Plates

Several Different Plates




Have a great day!

xx November

Posted by The November Company on March 1, 2009   /   Filed under: Design, Gifts

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  1. AILA
    Monday, March 2nd, 2009
    I remember those, you showed me pics!! Gorgeous!!! and i remember ur struggle with the customs and you going crazy over them.. Remember the candles which completely melted by the time they got to you lolll...
    Wooowww remember when there was no November, and you were trying to figure what to do.. And then came November, and made the world a better place and yummier one :)
    Great Job!! So proud of you..
    • novembercompany
      Monday, March 2nd, 2009
      one of the sweetest comments, thank u so much, u made my day!
      ill be profiling aila soon!