some old pics.. wanted to share
a fab blog from the one and only Gweneth Paltrow, covering a wide arrayof her favorite things. From recipe ideas and restaurant suggestions to wardrobe advice and spiritual perspectives, Gwennie shares what she’s learned throughout her years as a jet-set actress and a devoted momma. Sign up for the newsletter or browse the archives online.
The picture of this celebrity has gone missing due to suspicious behavior – however this photo of the “Faisal Cookie” with prince charming will be a filler till the search for the picture is complete!
I have been a fan for a long time of this website/blog/online mag…
great articles, interviews and reviews…
You should check it out on a weekly basis just to know whats going on in the middle east..
This is their story from the site
“Imagine a group of hip Middle Easterners, scattered around the globe. They grew up in one city, studied in another, worked in a third and yet there’s still only one place they call home – that’s the Middle East.
This group of twenty and thirty somethings decided it was high time for the Middle East to get its daily fix of what’s hip and cool. With this agenda in mind, Dia was created to showcase the true spirit of the region. Whether it’s art, fashion, culture or trends, we’ve got it covered..”