“fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.” -Swedish Proverb
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
-dr suess
“i didn’t learn until I was in college about all the other cultures, and I should have learned that in the first grade. A first grader should understand that his or her culture isn’t a rational invention; that there are thousands of other cultures and they all work pretty well; that all cultures function on faith rather than truth; that there are lots of alternatives to our own society. Cultural relativity is defensible and attractive. It’s also a source of hope. It means we don’t have to continue this way if we don’t like it.”
– Kurt Vonnegut
we are going to be setting up different events and exploring different cultures takes on events like birthdays, weddings and religious ceremonies.. hope to be posting next week on our first try..
any suggestions?
We will post as soon as we can
America’s streets leave a lot to be desired. As Carly Clark and Aaron Naparstek write in the latest issue of GOOD, “For the most part, [traffic engineers] viewed the city from behind a windshield and saw the street as a problem to be solved for automobiles. The result is the America city that most of us know today: sprawling, traffic-choked, hostile to pedestrians and cyclists, dependent on a vast, never-ending flow of cheap oil, and deeply unsustainable.”
We can make our streets better, though, and the first step is imagining the solutions. That’s the point of the Project at hand. We’d like you to design improvements to a street in your area.
To imagine improvements to our struggling streets.
Take a photo of a street or intersection you know and hate, and then use Photoshop or any other image editing techniques at your disposal to make the changes you’d like to see implemented.
Send your BEFORE and AFTER images to projects[at]goodmagazine[dot]com. Aaron Naparstek, the editor of Streetsblog, will judge the submissions. We’ll send a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription (or gift subscription) to the winner. We’ll take submissions now through May 1.
Check out the example from Carly and Aaron: an overhaul of the the intersection of Amsterdam Avenue and West 76th Street in Manhattan.
Also check out livablestreets.com and streetsblog.org.
I adore these shades… come on people dare to be a little different.
THE END OF THE WORLD (REALLY BUILT TO LAST) is Paris-based artist Matthew Rose’s latest surreal fantasy about the fragility of world we live in and the end of the world we’ve built.
Based on an original collage from 2008, THE END OF THE WORLD, reports from the frontiers of the real and dream worlds, where foods and animals, naughty little boys and errant little girls enter into the visual field and run, jump, hang and float in and around an assortment of human narratives that are veering dangerously out of control.
This work, and others in the series, will appear in Masters of Collage (Lark Press, USA) in May 2010.
Loved these posters, and thought,, what great gifts… soon will be in store…
Upon the outbreak of World War Two the British Government’s Ministry of Information commissioned posters to be distributed throughout the country as a means of allaying public fear. Three different posters were produced and while the first two designs were widely distributed the third poster, simply bearing the words ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ along with the royal crown, was held in reserve intended for use only in times of extreme crisis.
Although hundreds of thousands of these posters were produced, only a handful ever saw the light of day. Even now ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ is a phrase which perfectly encapsulates the traditional British ‘stiff upper lip’.
Originally from Northern Ireland Hazel Nicholls moved to London over six years ago to attend Camberwell College of Arts. Now a graduate, her work is influenced by a love of cross stitch and interest in old sayings and phrases.
Hazel loves Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton, the seaside, ten pin bowling, charity shops, fuzzy felt and other childhood toys. She firmly believes there is not much in the world better than a bacon sandwich and a nice cup of tea!
Last year Hazel took part in an exhibition for charity where her work adorned the same walls as some of the greats including Rob Ryan, Quentin Blake and the Chapman Brothers!