a wonderful way of bringing blooms into your life.. that last !
paper flower wedding anyone?
Please try to not follow fads as well as not stay in the “Safe” when choosing what your event theme will be, if you have always wanted blue.. then do blue!
and these were all of my majnounas getting lined up to put into the giant truck!
Lovely Betsey Richman left the November Bakery high on life
Betsy has always been a supporter of the company, and a dedicated customer ordering countless amounts of dessert for office events, baby showers and dinners.
We were delighted to have her take time out of her busy schedule to visit us today. Thanks for all of the support!
I wonder if we have the equivilent in Kuwait… bumper stickers on cars come the closest i think.. oh the shame!
got this from i blog i frequent..
Born in London, England, 1953
Living in New York since 1974
One of my favourites, enjoy.
xx November
The newest of paintings are exciting to view since they “incorporate iridescent pigments” which reflect light and look more dynamic than his paintings that use solid pigments.