We tend to have a quirky sense of humor at November, People tend to think we are uber romantics, but it is the contrary.. we can only do what we do without blowing up into over excited smithereens and have massive amounts of confetti come out of us ,by being realists and sometimes cynics..
We have just put in a lovely order of greeting cards from a Los Angeles card company, fomato.
the collection includes cards like these,
Simple & colorful little characters (which include pandas, sea cucumbers, amoebas & potatoes, just to name a few), saying quirky things like “I’m busy with this burrito”… what could be better?!?
Bad mood card.. for our adorably moody friends..
There are times where good ideas cannot be squeezed out anymore, inspiration and idea levels are at an all time low, and we tend to search for something new, and then we see something we like,,, and then i freeze. A good friend told me that i should just try to recreate ideas ive seen, im not okay with that.. yet.. because i dont want to fall into the trap, its too easy, and makes me feel bad about the fact that im running out of new whatevers…
this poster acually made me feel better about what my friend said, you have to eventually recreate,sometimes following someones example is better because they have done it perfectly,and that most ideas have actually been adapted from similar ones.. just make it your own, ajdust change colours patterns textures etc.. and then give credit to the original artist/designer…
but for now, when there is a creative block… ill just lose a little more sleep and work harder…
(large photo: Miles Aldridge), (umbrella and flower photo: I. Anton’s Flickr Photostream found via Oh Joy), (teacup plate photo: found via Apartment Therapy)
“I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for those tiny invisible molecular moral forces that work form individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which if you give them time, rend the hardest monuments of man’s pride.” — William James
Many would agree that Big success is a wonderful thing, but I hope people are proud of those small successes that accumulate over a day, a week, a lifetime. Making someone feel better, spreading kindness, inspiring laughter… thats what matters, its the little things we can do that can mean so much to someone.
while looking for carribean/colonial interior ideas.. i stumbled upon this lovely hotel..
Whoever thought plastic bags could look so beautiful?
Spanish guerilla lighting designers Luzinterruptus love to illuminate
public spaces in the most unlikely ways.
They recently staged “A Cloud of Bags visit The Prado” on the lawn
of the famous museum in Madrid.
Installed in just 80 minutes, the gem-like “clouds” were taken down four hours later. Sadly, the only audience for it seems to have been the wind that rustled through the temporary exhibition.
any one recommend upcoming bridal designers? we are on the hunt for the new! and different…