so glam...

so glam...


This weekend was “eventful” from a formal diplomatic event on thursday.. modern.. clean… and full of candles, george5 style leaning flowers… to our glam event on friday night… A seated dinner for 400 persons, not an easy task for design or service.. but we made it happen! The decoration was very over the top. using gold, teal and shades of turquoise.. all accented with purple roses, hyacinth, freesia, baby roses as well as thick leafy greens. Menus were customized and placed on plates as well as modern knotted ribbons for napkin holders.. The main flowers were on stands with candelabras placed on top of them, and these were set around the room next to high french wall panels with wallpaper and detailed mirrors.. lots of glamour and even more details.. everywhere!! The best thing about this event was the fact that the logisitics were taken care of well, seating was spaced, lighting was set perfectly, and the food was all served in time… we highly recommend seated dinners for your next events… they add a sophisticated twist to the usual buffet weddings.

Posted by The November Company on February 22, 2009   /   Filed under: Design, Events

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  1. Zaina
    Sunday, March 1st, 2009
    I was at the Friday event and u truly did an amazing job! Loved it
    • novembercompany
      Sunday, March 1st, 2009
      hello! and thanks so much, glad u liked it!