It is so hard to suggest a photographer for our clients, In kuwait we are limited to the number, most of the good photographers are set in their ways,, offering classic and portrait style photos. stiff and quite boring… overly posed.

Please suggest a few names of male and female photographers in the gulf , that you have tried and are happy with.

(videographers and photographers that are comfortable with shooting in  coloured,light, or dim venues)we want pictures like these. 

These pictures are from brides.com, and http://tecpetajaphoto.com:80/ as well as http://www.shakinghandspro.com/



Posted by The November Company on February 17, 2009   /   Filed under: Design, Events

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  1. Aziz
    Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
    • novembercompany
      Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
      send us your details, and some photos and if you fit the bill,we would be happy to recommend you.
  2. Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
    You know, I've been noticing this issue for a while now. Weddings here are getting so boring ..same old same old.. and while surfing and reading other blogs , and seeing pictures of some friends overseas .. their photography is a story to talk about! they can arrange then in a booklet and it tells a story on its own! I dont think we still are ready for this step..dont forget that here we aim for the usual and the traditional and anything new is looked at weirdly. So I really wish you good luck. maybe look in DUBAI photographers? You might find some expats there who know how to sturt their stuff like that!
  3. joahnna
    Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
    hey Bibi,
    blog looks amazing... i'm sure jude has already told you how much i always rave that it all looks so great! my friend and I are actually starting a photog studio that will specialise in wedding and event photography... well, we'll be based in the US but it would be great to cover some events in Kuwait! :)
    anyway, keep it up! :)
  4. Dalal
    Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
    The most amazing wedding photographer is Nada Whitehead in Kuwait, she's more creative than the others and will def do shoots of the type you have above :)
  5. novembercompany
    Sunday, February 22nd, 2009
    thanks for the comments guys!
    where can we get the contacts for nada whitehead?
  6. Dalal
    Monday, February 23rd, 2009
    NADA whitehead - 67040267