by © Kirsty Mitchell

Posted by The November Company on January 23, 2010   /   Filed under:

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  1. dana s
    Sunday, January 24th, 2010
    i havent seen purple for a while in weddings, its such a good color for parties.
    • novembercompany
      Sunday, January 24th, 2010
      Actually there has been a lot of purple around this season, we alone have done about 4 parties using purple as a main or accent colour. It is Fun and dramatic, i love it with emerald green or gold.. :)
  2. bader
    Sunday, January 24th, 2010
    is the lady in the picture in a feild of lavender? that is a favorite of mine. no one uses it here in events. shame
    • novembercompany
      Sunday, January 24th, 2010
      Yes those are lavender fields and the reason we dont use them in abundance here is that their smell is so so strong, and their stems are short which makes them difficult to use them in arrangements. but lavender is used in desserts, drinks and sometimes in giveaway sachets.
  3. Tuesday, January 26th, 2010
    love it! I can never OD on purple!