hallas cake

A heavenly cake covered in mint lemon and rose flavored meringues.. ill ask her for some pictures from the event to give you guys a better look, sorry about the fluorescent lighting!

Posted by The November Company on October 10, 2009   /   Filed under:

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  1. Val
    Thursday, October 15th, 2009
    I love this cake, it looks amazing and unique!! Totaly different from the traditional wedding cake : )
    • novembercompany
      Friday, October 16th, 2009
      our bride was totally different and unique and nothing like traditional ones.. thats what made it so much fun!
  2. zuzz
    Friday, October 16th, 2009
    I know this cake!! i loved it! That was one of ur nicest events!
    • novembercompany
      Friday, October 16th, 2009
      miss z :) its been ages! thank you thank you! :)