If you have ever been to Paris, then you must have passed by the Marais, which is a wonderful area full or artsy people and places to visit. On a trip to Paris, i met 2 great entrepreneurs who owned a gorgeous little shop in the Marais, filled with colourful collections of fabrics, robes, travel bags and even notebooks. All items are fair trade and quite unique. This seasons collection of cotton beach robes, velvety home robes, bags and notebooks has just arrived ! Cant wait for you all to see them, and buy a gift for you or for a friend that is thoughtful and also promotes conscious gift giving and benefits those in need. We also have the darlingest hand made dolls of an Indian family for kids, as well as lovely gift sets for foodies! (a set of hand mits, a washcloth and an apron)

Kitchen sets-4pcs 25kd

Velvet robes:35kd

Cotton batik kaftan/robes 25kd


See you soon.




Posted by The November Company on March 23, 2009   /   Filed under: Design, Gifts

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