you cant tell but they have pink little hearts as eyes 🙂

Posted by The November Company on February 22, 2010   /   Filed under:

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  1. JUJU
    Monday, February 22nd, 2010
    i love them
    nbk should give them away as corporate gifts...
    • novembercompany
      Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
      thanks juju :)
  2. Business Consultant
    Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
    Those look delicious - are they chocolate based ?

    An NBK customer should be snacking on those while waiting for his turn ... Leftovers for the employees :)
    • novembercompany
      Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010
      b consultant loooong time :) gingerbread :) i agreeeee
  3. myname
    Monday, March 1st, 2010
    no way thats so creative !! NBK should really use these as corporate gifts!! but maybe u can add white icing on it to make it yummier !! ;)