New to the bakery is a very decetant.. love that word by the way.. delicious and dense dense dessert..

A creamy peanut butter cake with a chocolate crust with chocolate sauce on top, as well as sprinkles of crushed peanuts.

not reccomended after a heavy meal..





side view
up close and peanut buttery

Posted by The November Company on March 22, 2009   /   Filed under: Dessert

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  1. teacup
    Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
    its j btw! but looks sooo good! i love peanut butter! yumm cant wait to try it when i get back :)
    • novembercompany
      Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
      its a cheesecake pie-ish thing... yalla come back then.
  2. j
    Monday, March 23rd, 2009
    soon!! inshallah