Beefsteak Tomato Salad

New Jersey Beefsteak Tomato Salad with Watermelon, Feta, Aged Balsamic, and Fleur de Sel

Prep Time: About 20 Minutes

Serves: 3-4



Ingredients :

3 beefsteak tomatoes, nice and red and ripe (substitutes: heirlooms or vine ripe)
12 pieces seedless watermelon, cut into 3 inch sticks
sheeps milk feta cheese (firm), cut into 10 pieces, 2 inches long
4 T extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup 12 year old balsamic vinegar
2 T herb fleur de sel

2 cups basil
ice bath
1 cu olive oil


1. Blanche basil in boiling water.
2. Shock in ice bath.
3. Put into blender.
4. Add 1 cup olive oil and salt, and puree 1 minute.
5. Pass through fine chinois.

To plate tomato salad:
1. 3 each 1/2 inch thick slices of New Jersey tomato.
2. Top with three pieces of watermelon and 2 pieces of feta.
3. Drizzle with olive oil, basil oil, aged balsamic.
4. In a small (baby sized) spoon, fill with fleur de sel, place on side of plate.
Garnish with sprig of basil.


Posted by The November Company on May 20, 2009   /   Filed under: Just for fun

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