low cost decorations- Huge impact!In the last post, I mentioned financial crisis, we are  sure many peoples wedding and event plans have been put on hold, and budgets have been cut, thats no problem. At November we work with your budget, we are honest and tell you what you can get for the amount that you would like to spend. 

There are silver linings to this problem, first of all, you can invite only those you really care about, having your close family and friends there to share your special day is far more personal and intimate than a large wedding. You can converse, share stories, and even take all kinds of pictures with everyone there.

With smaller weddings you actually have more choices for venue selection, the possibilities are endless, from restaurants, to chalets, small tents in your garden and even in your living rooms and diwaniyas. You would be suprised at the amount of places that will offer you their venues for your upcoming event, keeping in mind you follow the rules and regulations of the places.(If you are of the liberal kind, and would like to throw a mixed event, we would recommend private venues)

Banqueting options are in your favour. You can have a 5 course seated dinner or an exquisite buffet display with sushi, create your own salad, and steak stations, food can be tagged with labels and names of those that brought in the dish. Seating can be on long banquet tables, you can fill up the tables with crystal glasses and silver forks and spoons, all provided in the cost of the catering company!

Decoration can be minimal, go with what accents the location, not try to over power the space. (Dont go for a modern look in a classic room), complement your surroundings instead of working against everything, it will clash, it will look horrible in pictures and your guests will notice the lack of cohesion of the over all look.

There are many more ways of cutting costs, so every week i will be posting 3 ideas to assist you in having a lovely event, without breaking the bank and giving your poor parents a heart attack.

Wedding are tense and all of the preperations are quite frustrating, dont let budget come in between your sanity and family. Relax, discuss a figure with your family that is realistic, and then come in for a consultation and we will see what we can do to assist you with whatever event you have coming up.

Posted by The November Company on March 1, 2009   /   Filed under: Design, Events

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