I had mentioned in a previous post how important it is to continue the feeling of luxury and elegance throughout all elements of your event or wedding, since then we have recieved quite a few requests on the gorgeous Zulli washrooms as well as tips on how to spruce up powder rooms or the section that ties wc to event.. i try to never overlook small spaces like these, because they are functional and also show your guests how much you care about their comfort and needs.

At all events we try to provide all necessary items and touches to these areas, inclusive of using creams and soaps from Abanha, scented candles from Atlier Catherine Masson, as well as eyemake up removers hairsprays, mints, sewing kits and everything else that you can think of.

Inside the toilets you will also find all yoru reqirements have been though of for you plus so much more.

powder rooms


Posted by The November Company on May 7, 2009   /   Filed under:

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